Sunday, June 21, 2015

Least Favourite Setting

The general setting for Macbeth is 11th century England and Scotland. In the story, there were several places where the story took place, one of which made me quite uneasy. A cavern. In the middle, a boiling cauldron. Thunder. The three witches enter (IV. I). This was at the very beginning of the fourth scene, when the witches create apparitions in the middle of the cave, that predicted the future for Macbeth. Generally any setting with the witches made me uneasy. The setting isn't depicted very distinctly, but one could imagine that it's dark, cold, foggy and raining. It wasn't in particular the setting that made me uneasy, but the characters in the setting; the witches. The witches play a large role in making the setting creepier than it already is. The cauldron played a significant role too. All of the human and animal parts the Witches were throwing into the cauldron probably created a pretty nasty smell, which makes the setting even scarier. I'm not sure why Macbeth decided to go to the cave on his own; knowing that the Witches had some kind of upper power that could potentially hurt him. He put himself into a vulnerable position in that setting.
An accurate depiction of the setting

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